Friday, January 31, 2014

#30! Hot off the easel!

Just completed #30 15 minutes ago! Thanking God for having had this opportunity and for all the wonderful encouragement I've received all this month! God has been faithful thru pulled tendons, a burned finger, and nearly cutting off the tip of my right index finger. Thankful, especially, for
my husband, Mitsuo, who has taken up the slack for many things I was not able or did not have the time to do to keep this household going and myself physically to do things. This has been a great learning experience and I plan to add a few of the things I've learned through these quick paintings(ha! did I write "quick"?! most paintings took 4 to 6 hours to complete, not counting the pre-drawings and lettering)into my realistic portraits. Again thank you everyone and I am so thankful for your prayers on my behalf. Joy in Jesus


Pattie Wall said...

Hi Victoria, I missed this one - in all the frenzy of getting those 30 in 30 collages done I guess. Who is that? YOU? I like the color and the almost POPness of it. Hope you have survived all the physical pain of what the 30 days painting had brought and you are on to teaching and painting some more!

Victoria on Okinawa said...

Thanks Pattie, you were pretty ill during those last few days so it is no wonder you didn't see this one. No, it is not me, but my mom when she was around 13! Yes, I have survived and I am presently working on 6 smaller paintings for fund raiser for the Rochester Contemporary Art Museum in NY, 6" sqs. each. Have to send them out by the end of March. Also working on 2 portrait paintings and finishing up the varnishing on a 3rd. I really got a sense of clear direction by doing this challenge. Teaching and preparing is continuous but I am thankful for the opportunity. Love seeing your new paintings too!