Monday, January 20, 2014

#19 & #20 of 30 paintings in 30 days challenge

#19 took longer than I planned, I used only acrylics and water this time so took more time to do the layers. Requires more layers and more creating the colors myself with colors I have to get close to what the gouache acryl do.  Also the acrylics do not scan up the colors correctly as well as they do for the gouache acryl. Red and blues are darker in the painting and the yellow is more a true yellow than this scanned view. I'm thinking of trying water based oils to see how they work, but they take 6 months to dry before they can be varnished. Anyway I'm learning many things thru this challenge.

#20 I did a free hand cray-pas still life I set up in the studio. Too grainy for my taste but it was quick to do since I wanted to get in #20 on this Jan 20th day.



Pattie Wall said...

These are both great - the still life is more what I recall your work to be like, but the top one again is so big, bright and bold - I could see a whole wall or two of these bold ones doing some great show - only 10 more paintings if you do is getting tedious..and I am running out of good source material.

Anonymous said...

I really like the still life. The forms are nicely done. I also enjoy the texture.

Victoria on Okinawa said...

Thank you Pattie and Suzan!