Friday, January 17, 2014

#16 & #17 for 30 paintings in 30 days

Media: Gouache acryl, pencil & color pencil #16 did not scan very well. When I use the primary colors, like in #17, it always scans very well, anything between I have difficulties getting it to scan correctly. I had the most relaxing time making #17.

My finger is healing great but still having extreme difficulty with this tendonitis, need to continue using a sling and praying for a good nights rest. Each day it is a tiny bit better so I know I'm on the mend. Thank God giving me what I need to do all that He wants me to be and do.



Pattie Wall said...

I like where you wrote the words on the child one. Very creative! and the shoes, again, what a sassy pose. Hope your arm is arm is better soon, at least you are giving it an opportunity to be awake..ha! We will make it! Thanks for stopping by every day - it is a breath of fresh air! Paint on!

Tatiana Savchenko said...

So beautiful and original!Congrats, Victoria!

Victoria on Okinawa said...

Thank you Pattie! yes, praying we all make it thru this challenge, if anything I am learning so many new things: what I like and what I don't like and what I want to do and what I don't want to do. Yes, paint on!!!

Victoria on Okinawa said...

Thank you Tatiana!