Friday, December 12, 2008

1st Virtual Sketch Date Challenge

This is my 1st painting for Virtual Sketch Date blog challenge. Not too into doing landscapes but this looked interesting because of the shapes and colors involved.
I used Oil Bars for this one too. Learning lots.


joanieART said...

Very nice crop, right into the tress on both sides. And love the stroke-y-ness of the oil bars. Very nice painting.

Victoria on Okinawa said...

Thank you BMoon for your kind comments I so appreciate your taking the time to comment.

carol edan said...

Haven't heard of this medium. Like the rich textures you got. Very nice crop.

Kathleen said...

very interesting I don't know about oil bars but the texture looks great - I love the high placement of the horizon line

Regina Calton Burchett said...

I like the way you cropped the photo - these buildings seemed to be a challenge to most of us. Not familiar with oil bars - is that like oil pastels?

Victoria on Okinawa said...

Thank you Carol,Kathleen and Regina, for your kind encouragement. Oil Bars like oil pastels but they have way less wax infact the are oil paints in a bar form and can be desolved with oil solvents. There are a few different types, the ones I am using dry over night but you still have to wait 6 months to varnish them. There are others that take much longer times to dry. Dick Blick carries these and other different types. They are quite large and thick so details are more difficult to do. I am learning as I go. There is one brand that makes a narrower stick but dries over a long period of time. Again thank you for your encouragement.

Jan Pope said...

Impressionist looking. The oil bars make nice strokes. Nice job.

Victoria on Okinawa said...

Thank you Jan for your kind encouragement. Yes, I like the painterly look of the oil bars but they feel more like drawing than painting, I use my fingers and Q-tips to blend or remove layers too.

Leslie Hawes said...

Your strokes really look like you painted with a brush!
I had not heard of oil bars before. Are they the same as, or similar to oil pastels?
Very nice effect!

Victoria on Okinawa said...

Thank you Leslie for you kind words, I explained in a previous response above about oil bars, hope it answers some of questions. No brushes were used in this painting, but I did use my fingers and Q-tips. Again thank you.

laura said...

You seem to have taken a unique anc=gle on this subject--it's very nice. I like the overall grayness too--it suits the subject.